Jesse Dayton talks about why touring in an RV has been a game-changer, how he’s build his audience one fan at a time and why songwriters should tend bar.
Bobby Rush Talks about a Painted-On Mustache and Why He Keeps Rehearsals Private
Legendary blues artist Bobby Rush reflects on more than 30 years of tour vans and buses, the day jobs he took in the 1950’s to support the start of his career in music and the importance of understanding artist publishing rights.
Cindy Lee Berryhill on Being Punctual for Rehearsals and the Value of Multiple Income Streams
Singer-songwriter Cindy Lee Berryhill talks about touring in a 1971 VW Bus and performing the very first song that she wrote at her very first gig.
Andy Baxter of Penny and Sparrow Reflects on What’s Changed and What’s the Same in the Music Business
Andy Baxter talks about touring in “Cerebro”, the first song that the band wrote and sharing the stage with a giant paper-mache elephant.
Rod Picott on The Decline of CD Sales and His Definition of Hell
Singer-songwriter Rod Picott on getting stranded in Scranton, PA, the benefit of breaking his Starbucks habit and why artists need to work twice as hard and then again.
Avi & Pat from Goodnight Texas on Pat’s Superpower and the 5 Points of the Eastern Star
Avi Vinocur and Patrick Dyer Wolf of Goodnight Texas sing their tour van’s praises – literally – and discuss their new approach to releasing music.
Kelly Willis & Bruce Robison On A Duct Taped Tour Van and Starting a Label
Kelly Willis and Bruce Robison explain why to avoid the captain’s chair behind the driver in their tour van and why being a duo is better than being a solo act.
Glen Hodgson of the Parlotones on Ford, Mercedes and Keeping the Band Machine Running
Bassist/Keyboardist Glen Hodgson of the Parlotones on being a vegan in a band of carnivores, listening to the recording of their first performance and reinvesting earnings in the band.
Lucy Spraggan on Stinky Rehearsal Spaces and Winging it
Singer-songwriter Lucy Spraggan talks about a weird early gig and the possibility of touring the US on a motor bike.
Jim Lauderdale on Working At Rolling Stone and Why He’s Excited About the Future
Americana singer-songwriter Jim Lauderdale talks about “chopping wood”, a rare missed gig and how has income has gradually shifted in the last ten years.