Ryan Bingham talks about finding apples at truck stops, rolling his tour van off the side of a mountain in Montana and early gigs playing for tips and beer.
Nikki Hill on Touring with “Big Connie” and Believing in Herself
Fiery rocker Nikki Hill talks about the vast array of day jobs that she’s had while building her career and finding rehearsal studios while touring.
Ray Benson on the Day Job He’s Had for 49 Years and an Eclectic First Gig
Steve Poltz Shares a Dirty Little Secret and Explains What “Eff” Means
Steve Poltz, troubadour, talks about being an opportunivore, touring like a millennial and why goats don’t play guitar.
Legendary Musician Dennis Coffey On Proving His Record Label Wrong and a Tip For Flying With Guitars
Detroit musician Dennis Coffey, a member of the Funk Brothers and a distinguished solo artist and producer, talks about taking a break from music and the lesson to be learned from the experience.
Mary Bragg on Changing the Oil and Being True to Herself
Singer-songwriter Mary Bragg discusses her approach to rehearsals, touring with a French press and why she listens closely to her guitar strings.
Hayes Carll Recalls a Memorable First Gig and the Time His AAA Card Was Revoked
Hayes Carll discusses the problem with guitar strings being sold in sets and shares the lyrics to one of the first songs that he wrote.
Trapper Schoepp on Getting Creative With His Merch and A Tour Van Called “Dick Van Dyke”
Milwaukee singer-songwriter Trapper Schoepp shares a tip for touring and talks about celebrating Christmas with sad bastard songs.
Carsie Blanton On Two Lessons Learned and The Time She Almost Quit Music
New Orleans singer-songwriter Carsie Blanton talks about her storied rehearsal space called “The Watermelon”, sampling local cuisine while touring and making $50 at her first paid gig when she was 13.
Dale Watson on a Hand-Me-Down Tour Bus and Some Memorable Early Gigs
Eminent Honky-Tonker Dale Watson talks about rehearsing at shows, working on an assembly line and the best way to learn about music.