Western Centuries talk about repairing their van with junk yard parts, finding roadies while on tour, and maintaining a balanced diet.
Western Centuries – Call the Captain
You could probably write a book about how bands are formed. Some are born as school friends playing in a forgiving parent’s garage. Other have a process-based beginning, with formal recruitment and auditions. I think I’d take a bet that many of the most successful started with a mutual love of something that became foundational […]
Mark Erelli on a Big Annual Expense and Why He Missed His First Gig
Mark Erelli talks about the future of artist incomes and what he most remembers when he gets home from touring.
Monday Morning Video – John Prine Duets
John Prine’s family shared the news yesterday that John is in critical condition battling the Covid-19. I’m certain that all here join Twangville in sending him best wishes for a speedy recovery. Here’s Prine singing with some friends, including “Angel From Montgomery” with Bonnie Raitt, “In Spite of Ourselves” with Iris DeMent, and “The Speed […]
Caleb Caudle- Better Hurry Up
Texicana Share a “Little Bit of Love” – A Twangville Premiere
It’s time like these when music can really soothe the soul. All the better when it’s from an artist that you’ve probably never heard – or even heard about – before. Meet Texicana, purveyors of a fresh new rock sound emerging from Dallas, Texas. Like many a good band, the group came together at a […]
Trout Steak Revival – The Light We Bring
For me, a certain style of bluegrass instantly brings back random memories of sunny, summer days outside listening to music. Many call that style front-range, or Colorado bluegrass. I suppose that all makes sense since, aside from John Hartford, much of my early bluegrass influence came from Hot Rize and New Grass Revival. That, in […]
Monday Morning Video – Hannah Aldridge
Here’s another installment of my informal trip down memory lane to savor favorite songs from the past few years. This time it’s a pair from Hannah Aldridge, whose Gold Rush was a favorite from 2017. Here’s “Burning Down Birmingham” from that release, plus a bonus cover of Jackson Browne’s “These Days”.
Avi Kaplan – I’ll Get By
Sometimes a voice comes along that has the potential to carry an entire album. No instrumentation needed. Avi Kaplan has such a voice. This probably shouldn’t be a surprise given his background in the uber-popular acapella group Pentatonix. I must admit to not being much of a fan of them or acapella groups in general. […]
Danny Barnes on Comic Books, Motorcycles, and Kitchen Table Rehearsals
Self-proclaimed “legacy cat” banjoist Danny Barnes talks about the words of “encouragement” that he received from a former day job boss and talks about why he still plays shows.