It’s no secret that I love me some power pop, so when I was cruising through this year’s SXSW torrent and Biters leaped out of the speakers with “Melody for Lovers” (bar none the best new-to-me power pop song of the torrent, and a shining example of power pop perfection), I snapped to attention immediately. […]
My Jerusalem: #1 of John’s “Fantastic Four of SXSW 2011”
My Jerusalem, the band that I would leave SXSW 2011 proclaiming to everyone willing to listen as having been the best new band I saw all week, and the one that I knew would present me with the tallest order in terms of doing them justice with mere words, was a band that I hadn’t […]
Monday Morning Video: Alejandro Escovedo is Sad and Dreamy
I was reminded about this song while having a conversation about childrens music with a few day-job colleagues several weeks ago. As the story goes, Alejandro Escovedo and Mike Fracasso led a songwriting seminar for a group of students at the Ziker Elementary School in South Austin, Texas. From Escovedo: [The boy] thought deeply for […]
Mayer’s Playlist from February 2011
ALBUMS OF THE MONTH: Blessed, by Lucinda Williams Ah, Lucinda, you lost me a bit with your last couple of releases. Not that I can hold it against you. Car Wheels and some of the earlier works set the bar so high that it would be hard to imagine being able to sustain that momentum. […]
Dave Alvin Visits Harlan County, KY
I dub this a good day, since any day that we get new music from Dave Alvin is a good day to me. Alvin wrote and recorded the track for the FX series “Justified.” Alvin will also appear in the episode, which is based in the fictional town of Harlan County, KY. For those of […]
Mayer’s Playlist from January 2011
ALBUMS OF THE MONTH: Heart of a Dog, by Kasey Anderson and the Honkies If last year’s Nowhere Nights stood out for the down-tempo songs, this time it’s all about the rockers. “Kasey Anderson’s Dream” and “Revisionist History Blues” are driven by heavy classic blues rock guitar riffs while “My Baby’s a Wrecking Ball” and […]
Listen Up: Joey’s Song
I’ve always taken a mixed view of benefit compilations. Yet there’s something special about this one. On first listen I was immediately struck by the consistent feel of the song selection. Every track is heartfelt and uplifting, undoubtedly reflecting the spirit of Joey Gomoll, the young boy who inspired this collection. Among my favorite tracks […]
Coming Soon: 2011 Release Preview, Part 3
We’ll wrap up this go-around with a few more promising releases scheduled for early 2011. This is shaping up to be a mighty fine year for music. EDDIE SPAGHETTI, Sundowner (Release date 15 February 2011) This is a record that overflows with personality. Not that anyone should be surprised given the reputation Spaghetti has established […]
Coming Soon: 2011 Release Preview, Part 2
Without fail, there are always two random days each year that overflow with impressive new releases. Mark February 15th on your calendar for a bounty of musical delight. And if you are still catching up on 2010, you’ll find our Best Of 2010 lists here. KASEY ANDERSON, Heart of a Dog (Release date 15 February […]
Mayer’s Picks: Best Songs of 2010, Pt. 2
As Long As You Don’t Come Back, Justin Currie (from the Rykodisc Records release The Great War) Set aside a lyric that we all wish we had, or perhaps actually did, say at one point or another. What I most appreciate about this song is the unassuming, even playful, melody that accompanies the lyrical punch. […]