Not So Sure and How Good You Are, Joe Pug (from the Lightning Rod Records release Messenger) Quite simply, I couldn’t decide which of these songs I liked better so called it a draw. Both are shining examples of Pug’s songwriting prowess: thoughtful lyrics, engaging melodies and a captivating performance. Down in the Bowery, Alejandro […]
Mayer’s Picks: Best Albums of 2010
#1. JOE PUG, Messenger (Lightning Rod) Pug may only be in his mid 20’s, but his songs reflect a timeless musical wisdom. A folk troubadour in the truest sense, he is equally skilled tackling social and political topics as he is at exploring the politics of romance. A powerful new musical voice has emerged. (Twangville […]
Love That Dirty Water: A Boston Playlist
Welcome to the second in a periodic series of playlists showcasing artists from my hometown of Boston. You Were Drunk, Rose Polenzani with Session Americana (from the self-released When the River Meets the Sea) Polenzani does a periodic showcase at the Lizard Lounge in Cambridge. It is quite the affair as she invites friends and […]
Mayer’s Playlist for October/November 2010, Part 2
ALBUM OF THE MONTH: Victims, Enemies, & Old Friends, by Doc Dailey and Magnolia Devil A strong Southern accent imbues Muscle Shouls musician Doc Dailey’s voice and music. His songs continue a rich Southern storytelling tradition, filled with characters struggling with the hands that they’ve been dealt. In album opener “Prove Me Wrong” Dailey strives […]
Mayer's Playlist for October/November 2010, Part 1
ALBUM OF THE MONTH: The Bottom of the Sky, by Bow Thayer and Perfect Trainwreck After listening to this release, it shouldn’t be a surprise to learn that Thayer has played with Levon Helm (although it was really the reverse – Helm played drums on Thayer’s 2006 release). They are kindred spirits, men whose music […]
Mayer’s Playlist From September 2010
ALBUMS OF THE MONTH: Blood/Candy, by The Posies “Who’s got into that 80s radio?” ask the Posies at the start of “Licenses to Hide.” It is an appropriate question for a band whose first album dates back to that era. In a triumph of talent and perseverance over the music business vagaries, the Posies are […]
Mayer’s Playlist for August 2010, Part 2
ALBUM OF THE MONTH: Pimps and Preachers, by Paul Thorn Paul Thorn is the Mark Twain of Americana. Possessing an endearing folksy charm, he fills his songs with a potent and intelligent wit. Thorn’s lyrics are typically self-depreciating yet hopeful. A fine example is “I Hope I’m Doing This Right.” After several verses of reflection […]
Mayer’s Playlist for August 2010, Part 1
ALBUMS OF THE MONTH: You Go Your Way, by Amy Correia It’s hard not to get lost in Amy Correia’s latest release, You Go Your Way. The story-telling quality of her songwriting, matched with some diverse and engaging instrumentation, conjures up images of a musical from the classic age of Broadway. “Love Changes Everything” is […]
Mayer’s Playlist for June & July 2010, Part 2
ALBUMS OF THE MONTH: Joe Hill’s Ashes, by Otis Gibbs Gibbs is one of the most distinctive voices in Americana, both for the integrity in his songwriting and the authenticity of his voice. While some may find both a bit gruff, it gives his music a realism that can’t be doubted. Most songs are built […]
Mayer’s Playlist for June & July 2010, Part 1
ALBUMS OF THE MONTH: See You On the Moon, by Tift Merritt I suppose that Merritt could sing the alphabet and I’d listen. There is such a genuine quality to her voice, an infectious spirit. It is a spirit that shines through her music despite the dark overtones of her latest release. “Engine to Turn” […]