Chip Frazier pictured second from left in green shirt.
Here we are again… Thanksgiving 2017, y’all… which means we’re celebrating 12 years of Twangville’s existence. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been writing a Thanksgiving toast each year to thank our contributors, our community, and the artists who give us something to listen to and write about. Without someone to make the music, we’d have nothing to share. Without you gracious readers, we’d have no one to share music discovery with. All to say, thank you a hundred times over for being a part of this community.
Last year, we continued the Twangville Thanksgiving tradition by letting you get to know one of our contributors a little better toasting the extraordinary Gamecock lovin’ guitarist, Todd Mathis.
This Thanksgiving, let’s raise a glass to Chip Frazier. Chip is a part of one of my favorite Twangville stories. Back in Spring of 2007 he wrote an email to me expressing interest in contributing music reviews with us. He also noted that despite being from Alabama, he noticed he was contracting in the same town in Virginia that I was in. Now, at the time I worked for the biggest corporation in the area. Chances were good that he was working at the same place. Minutes later, I’m looking him up in the company directory and sure enough, there he was. I found his desk location and introduced myself. Later the same day, we were having lunch and hootin’ it up. We’d go on to see some shows together including a memorable Peter Case show with opening act Uncle Monk. Fortune being what it was, we were able to enjoy some time chatting with Tommy Ramone before he passed on. Eventually, we’d both move on to new jobs separated by states again, but we still remain friends—except during football season when the Crimson Tide plays Florida (Go Gators!).
Here’s a little more from Chip to get to know him better:
Interview with Chip Frazier
[Twangville] What’s the first music you ever purchased?
[Chip] KISS – Destroyer. I was 10 years old. My 5th and 6th grade years were dominated by Kiss. I had a wall covered in Kiss posters and pin ups.
First concert?
I am a bit ashamed of this, but I believe in Honesty… Styx ‘Pieces of 8’ tour circa 1979.
What artist would you put into the Twangville hall of fame?
John Doe / X. This whole genre we now call Americana would not be where it is without him or the seminal LA Punk Band he fronted. They drew on both Country and Rockabilly for inspiration. Listen to early Old 97’s if you need confirmation.
What artist would you consider a guilty pleasure?
Jimmy Buffet. (I am a closet Parrot Head).
What’s the best American city to see music in?
Austin .. hands down not even close.
What’s the best way to support musicians?
Go to their live shows!! The interaction between the band and audience in a club setting is the best way to build rapport. They deserve and need to see their fans when they are on stage.
What’s your favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
Pecan Pie
Best way to cook a turkey?
Any way that will make it taste like Ham.
Anything you’re thankful for this year?
Being from Alabama, I am thankful to the women that have exposed Roy Moore for the fraud he truly is. (Even more embarrassing for me, is that Moore is from my hometown).
Best album of 2017?
John Moreland – Big Bad Luv.
Under the Radar – Romantica – Shadowlands
Honorable Mention: JD McPherson – Undivided Heart and Soul
What’s your favorite holiday song or album?
Bruce Cockburn – “Cry of a Tiny Babeâ€
Will Alabama win the nat’l championship this year?
I am stressed about the prospect of a Championship this year. Our injuries are too much to overcome. However, I believe Coach Saban can keep the “process†going and make it happen.
Where will you watch the game?
With a group of friends (although no Auburn fans allowed.)
What’s the best tailgating food?
Fried Chicken and any assortment of local Craft Beer.
Bryant or Saban?
I have had the honor to live through two golden eras of Crimson Tide football. No one can claim the cult of personality that Bear Bryant did. He was a legend to the point of near deity. There is a reason that Nick Saban drives to his office on Bryant Drive, which is across from the Bryant Museum and Bryant Conference Center. He also plays his games in Bryant-Denny Stadium. The person and legend of “The Bear†are unsurpassed. That being said, the number of games and championships Saban has won during an era of limited scholarships and increased parity is even more impressive than what Bear accomplished.
Thank you, Chip! Twangville is better because of you. Thanks for having lunch with me back in 2007. Happy Thanksgiving to your and your family.Â