Statistically speaking, most of the people reading this will live well past 80 years old. So being 40 isn’t quite to the halfway point. Philosophically though, turning 40 causes a lot of people to take stock of where they are in life. You have to admit to yourself that some of the things you did […]
The Twangville Early 2025 Preview
Astrovan: The Love Song Vignettes by Humbird (10 Jan) Humbird’s slow trickling of singles over the past couple months has us primed for their newest full length. Landing somewhere musically between Bjork and Neil Young, these short tunes showcase Siri Undlin’s sweet vocals. (Todd Mathis) Bloom by Larkin Poe (24 Jan) Megan and Rebecca Lovell […]
Mayer’s Picks – Best Songs of 2023, Part 2
I posted my list of favorite from the first half of 2023 back in June (here). Rather than replicate that list for my full year review, consider this a continuation — the best songs from the second half of the year. Whatever Helps You Sleep, Abby Hamilton (from the Blue Gown Records release #1 Zookeeper (of the San […]
Mayer’s Playlist for Fall/Winter 2023, Part 2
Stranger’s Voice, William Matheny (from the Hickman Holler/Thirty Tigers release That Grand, Old Feeling) If you’ve ever read any of our artist interviews, you’ve read many of them talk about touring life being 23 hours spent traveling, dealing with the business side of music, or just sitting around venues for the hour or two of […]
Cry Me a River – a Premiere from My Sister, My Brother
There’s something special when independent artists collaborate. I’m not talking about two songwriters sitting in a room to write a song together but rather when they weave their talents together to create a cohesive and collaborative piece of work. The results can be magical. Such is the story of Garrison Starr and Sean McConnell – […]
Readers’ Pick: American Dreamer by Frankie Lee
FRANKIE LEE, American Dreamer beats out SEAN MCCONNELL, Sean McConnell as your favorite for the week of July 8, 2016. Poll Results New Releases Did we miss something? If you feel a new release is missing from our current poll, please let us know in the comments. Readers’ Tops Summer 2016 SARA WATKINS, Young in […]