This past weekend was a big one for music in Boston with both Peter Wolf and Butch Walker teaching clinics in how to deliver a high energy show. Don’t believe me? See below for the evidence. Wolf serves up a version of “Love Stinks” tailor made for Twangville while Walker and his band the Black […]
Mayer’s Playlist for September 2011
ALBUMS OF THE MONTH: Old Mad Joy, by The Gourds The Gourds latest is a bit deceiving. The band has built a reputation as a bluegrass and backporch country band, but things aren’t always what they seem. The album open as one would expect. “I Want You So Bad” is built around an accordion and […]
Fall 2011 Release Preview
It is hard to believe that summer is nearly over. How do I know this? I was at a music club on Saturday that had changed over their Sam Adams tap from Summer to Octoberfest. Talk about jumping the gun! Anyway, the next few weeks will unleash an abundance of great new music just in […]
Mayer’s Picks: Best Songs of 2010, Pt. 1
Not So Sure and How Good You Are, Joe Pug (from the Lightning Rod Records release Messenger) Quite simply, I couldn’t decide which of these songs I liked better so called it a draw. Both are shining examples of Pug’s songwriting prowess: thoughtful lyrics, engaging melodies and a captivating performance. Down in the Bowery, Alejandro […]
You Pick It: Springsteen’s “Born to Run”
Continuing our series of classic songs covered, today we survey a collection of fuel-injected takes on Bruce Springsteen’s legendary “Born to Run.” “This Is American Music” – a music collective featuring Grand Champeen, Two Cow Garage, The Drams, and Glossary – kick us off, followed by Butch Walker, the Smoking Popes, Cowboy Mouth, Melissa Etheridge, […]
Mayer’s Playlist from January 2010
ALBUMS OF THE MONTH: The Day After Everything Changed, by Ellis Paul New England folk musician Ellis Paul headed south to Nashville to record his latest album and returned with a more polished sound. Despite the change of locale, however, the vividness of his songwriting remains the same. Paul’s songs are filled with rich imagery […]
Ten for Oh-Ten
2010 is shaping up quite nicely, thank you. Here are ten upcoming releases whose arrival is eagerly anticipated at the Twangville general store. FREEDY JOHNSTON, Rain on the City (Release date January 12th) Has it really been eight years since Johnston’s last album of originals? Johnston’s instrument of choice is an acoustic guitar, all the […]
Kiss Off! A Special Twangville Playlist, Part 4
I could go on for weeks picking tracks for this playlist. Alas, this will be my final installment. Now I turn it over to you, residents of Twangville. What songs have I missed? Daylight, Mike Errico If my life were a movie you’d be buried in the credits, you’d be woman #2 with her head […]
Best Albums of 2008, Mayer’s Picks
#1. MATTHEW RYAN, Matthew Ryan Vs. the Silver State (00:02:59) Whether he’s performing a ballad or a rock song, Ryan’s intelligence and intensity course through this release. (Twangville review, mp3s and video here.) #2. THE HOLD STEADY, Stay Positive (Vagrant) They rock, they roll and then they rock some more. The Hold Steady may very […]
Mayer’s Playlist for November 2008, A Video Companion
We bolt right out of the gate this month with Butch Walker’s smokin’ video for “The Weight of Her” followed by the Right On’s blazing through a live performance of “Do Your Thing, Babe.” After that, you’ll want to catch your breath with live acoustic performances from Ben Nichols and David Garza. From there we’ve […]