ST. VINCENT It’s hard to beat a surprise set by St. Vincent, all the more so when it takes place at a Rivian showroom. The set was short but potent, including a few from her most recent album. And thanks, Rivian, for the limited edition vinyl of said release. WILLI CARLISLE Although he’s been on […]
Bob Schneider on Love Shoes and the Value of Having a Good Name
Singer-songwriter Bob Schneider talks about weekly rehearsals at Austin’s Saxon Pub, Holiday Inn Express breakfasts, and working at a t-shirt shop.
Best Albums of 2009, Tom’s Picks
Well, here they are. My Top 25 albums of 2009. Last year I chose The Hold Steady’s ‘Stay Positive’ as album of the year. That album tied the Drive-by Truckers for numero uno according to the Twangville Posse. This year, I’m thrilled to say that the Posse agrees with me once again. The Album of […]
Bob Schneider Live from Jammin’ Java
When Bob Schneider comes to town to play a solo show, you don’t just get some dude playing a guitar and singing. You get one of the most creative musicians alive playing 2 different guitars, keyboard, upright piano, harmonica, trumpet and perhaps his best gift of all, his unfiltered potty mouth and brilliant between song […]