Back in the late 80’s and early 90’s I lived in Chicago. Â Popular music, whether created in Nashville or Los Angeles, wasn’t capturing my ears or heart. Â Fortunately, I could go down to North Halsted any night of the week and hear blues from some of the greats; Buddy Guy, Junior Wells, Otis Rush, Sugar […]
Tanked Up on Elm Street – a Special Dallas Playlist
Polite Conversation, Cut Throat Finches (from the Hand Drawn Records release Polite Conversation) The best music offers a thoughtful, and often marked, point of view. In that context, the Cut Throat Finches latest hits pretty hard, lambasting the social upheaval that grips our world today. The make their point quite clearly on “New Age,” the […]
Ray Bonneville – At King Electric
Listening to Ray Bonneville’s spartan lyrics evokes images of freight yards, open prairies and empty dwellings. His masterful, moody songs on At King Electric embody the spirit of the North American continent he has wandered for decades. Born in Quebec, Bonneville learned English when his family moved to Boston when he was twelve. Though his […]
Monday Morning Video – Ted Hawkins
The Ted Hawkins story is among the most unique in American music. The Biloxi Mississippi native spent years as a street busker, most notably serenading passers-by on Venice Beach, CA while perched on a milk crate. He was “discovered” several times but never found significant success. His graveled voice and insistent guitar were his calling […]
Kevin Gordon – Tilt And Shine
Boredom is a cruel mistress. Â She tempts you to do things you know better than to do, and demands silence and negligence when action is needed. Â Add in the weather-driven, laconic nature of life in the lower Mississippi River basin and it’s a potent mix of attitude. Â Nobody understands that better than Kevin Gordon. Â On […]
Al Basile – Me & the Originator
Al Basile is steady. A founding member in the 1970s of the enduring New England-based jump blues outfit Roomful of Blues, Basile stays busy churning out really good music, including Woke Up in Memphis in 2013, B’s Expression in 2015, Mid-Century Modern in 2016 and last year’s outstanding Quiet Money. But what is surprising about cornet player and […]
Ray Wylie Hubbard – Live at Songbirds
At one point early in his set Ray Wylie Hubbard borrowed a line form one of his songs and said, “Any day my gratitude is above my expectations is a good day. Today has been a good dayâ€. It was indeed a good night. The event took place at Songbirds in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Songbirds is […]
The Berkshires Seemed Dreamlike – A Special Boston Playlist (Part 1)
All Be Gone, Buffalo Tom (from the Schoolkids Records release Quiet and Peace) One of rock and roll’s great debates is whether to burn out or fade away. There’s a third option, though. Buffalo Tom make the point that it is possible for rock and roll to mature gracefully while still maintaining an edge. In […]
Mark Otis Selby – Naked Sessions
I’m a sucker for a really good cover song. Â The best ones take the same chord progressions and lyrics and convey an entirely different experience. Â Think Jimi Hendrix All Along the Watchtower compared to the original Dylan version. Â Now turn that around, where you’ve heard the second version, and now you get the original, lightly […]
Monday Morning Video – Brother Dege
Late Saturday night at this year’s SXSW, I was making my way back to the hotel after the official showcases had wound down. Or so I thought. Walking by Antone’s I heard the unmistakable sound of a slide guitar. It would have been wrong to not step in and check it out, right? Inside I […]