Road house, honky tonk, dive bar. It doesn’t matter what you call the place, across rural America they’re the name for a drinking establishment with live music, frequently located near the crossroads of a couple of (sort of) major highways. The music can be from a few different genres, but the characteristics of the set […]
Sarah McCombie of Chatham Rabbits on Venue Merch Cuts, Authenticity, and Touring in “The Rig”
Sarah McCombie of North Carolina folk duo Chatham Rabbits shares the story behind how they found their tour RV and talks about the good old days.
Merry Mulligans
I haven’t played golf in 20 years, and when I did play, I was terrible at it. But I gotta say that when I did play I was the master of one particular stroke – the “Mulligan.” That’s when your shot off the tee is so bad you either miss it all together or you […]
Mayer’s Picks – Best Songs of 2024, Part 2
I posted my list of favorite from the first half of 2024 back in June (here). Rather than replicate that list for my full year review, consider this a continuation — the best songs from the second half of 2024. Rosemary and Thieves, Garrett Owen (from the self-released Memoriam) Owen’s tale of fractured relationships is […]
Mayer’s Picks, More 2024 Favorites
Here, in no particular order, are more favorites from 2024.
Mayer’s Picks – Best of 2024, the Albums
11. Our Time in the Sun by Jeremie Albino Bursting with raw emotion, swaggering grooves, and a touch of grit, Jeremie Albino’s Our Time in the Sun is a joyous revival of classic soul. Albino may sing about “Rolling Down the 405” in California, but one listen and you’ll imagine yourself cruising down Highway 72 […]
Beau Janke of Them Coulee Boys on Touring in “The Breakdown King” and Keeping Perspective
Beau Janke of Madison, Wisconsin’s Them Coulee Boys talks about enjoying regional foods while on tour, the rabbit that invaded the band’s rehearsal space, and working as a printmaker.
Effie Zilch – Multitudes
We are all, to some extent, a product of our environment. When it comes to music that frequently manifests itself in a favored genre. But what if you’ve worked with artists from Leon Bridges to John Legend to the Rolling Stones? And you’ve scored and acted in a Sam Shepard play and written a movie […]
Schmoon Song Premiere – Not A Girl
Remember when people asked kids what they wanted to be when they grew up, like they would have a single career, maybe even a single job? At this point in society’s arc that seems more nostalgic than realistic, witness the career of Portland, Maine (by way of Connecticut and NYC), artist Matt Cascella. His first […]
Fancy Hagood on Chase Rice, Cracker Barrel, and Being an Independent Artist
Singer-songwriter Fancy Hagood talks about “yes men” and “no people” in the music industry and names his favorite Nashville rehearsal space.