Seeing Allison Russell was a transcendental experience. Her songs and performance were glorious in their intensity and emotion. While she brought out the clarinet and banjo for a few songs, she mostly relied on the talented trio of musicians to support her on acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and cello. Simply magical.

One of my picks from perusing the SXSW Spotify playlist was Minnesota newcomer Ber. “My MO is that I’m an over-sharer,” she said between songs. That translated into an honest and reflective view on relationships, both in song and between song banter.

Sugaray Rayford is a big guy with an even bigger personality. Backed by a six piece band, he OWNED the stage as he belted out some glorious blues and R&B. Bonus points for leading the band into a verse of Cameo’s “Word Up” while his guitarist was taking some time to tune.

Norway’s Malin Pettersen performs country the way it is supposed to be heard. I kicked-started my Wednesday with her in East Austin, enjoying a set that included some gems from Wildhorse, her most recent release.

“Let’s have some fun… disclaimer on that, I’m gonna play some really sad, slow songs.” And that he did, including a Hank Williams cover accompanied by the story of how Williams was one of his earliest inspirations. He admitted that it was his first time picking up a guitar in months; let’s hope that he keeps it out of the case.

Walker’s star continues to shine. I caught a tremendous afternoon set as part of the always spectacular South By San Jose festival within a festival. Walker pulled songs from his three outstanding studio albums and featured Matt Hillyer, late of beloved honky-tonk band Eleven Hundred Springs, on guitar.

“Rumor has it we had a record out last August. I’ve heard that it’s not bad.” ‘Tis true, and all the better to finally hear the new songs played live.

Great blend of power pop and rock from LA. Bonus points for a song called “A Randy Newman Song”.

Great blend of power pop and rock from New Jersey. Gotta add, their live show takes the songs from their debut album to another level.

Great blend of power pop and rock from Athens, GA.

Got my southern rock fix courtesy of Nashville’s Dee Oh Gee. They trio raised it a notch at the end of their set by bringing up young ‘un guitar phenom Grace Bowers to jam.
All photos by Danzig, expect Beck (credit: Joel Parks)