New York singer-songwriter Pete Mancini talks about touring with Jimmy Webb, a love/hate experience at his first gig, and sharing Tom Petty’s definition of success.
The Twangville Early 2025 Preview
Astrovan: The Love Song Vignettes by Humbird (10 Jan) Humbird’s slow trickling of singles over the past couple months has us primed for their newest full length. Landing somewhere musically between Bjork and Neil Young, these short tunes showcase Siri Undlin’s sweet vocals. (Todd Mathis) Bloom by Larkin Poe (24 Jan) Megan and Rebecca Lovell […]
American Equator – a Premiere from Pete Mancini
I’m a sucker for a good power pop song. The best of ’em pull you in with catchy melodies even as/when the lyrics are less than uplifting. Such is the case with Pete Mancini’s new single “American Equator”. The song finds Mancini contemplating the political dissonance of the past several years, lamenting its continued escalation. […]