I posted my list of favorite from the first half of 2018 back in July (here). Rather than replicate that list for my full year review, consider this a continuation — the best songs from the second half of the year. Right On Time, Kevin Gordon (from the Crowville Media release Tilt and Shine) A […]
Mayer’s Picks – Best Albums of 2018, Boston/Dallas Edition
I’m fortunate to be able to explore and enjoy the music scenes of two cities – Boston and Dallas. Artists from both have released some exceptional music this year. Here are a few favorites. Love it local. LOVE THAT DIRTY WATER (BOSTON YOU’RE MY HOME) Sarah Borges, Love’s Middle Name Borges takes no prisoners on […]
Shawn’s 2018 Favorites
As is always the case, I heard a lot of good music this year.  And there was a lot more good music I didn’t hear. So I’m going to call this my favorites of the year and not suggest they were the best, but only the best that I heard. 1. Dave Alvin & Jimmie Dale […]
Mayer’s Picks – Best of 2018
Another year is winding down, which means that it is time for the ubiquitous best of year lists. Without further ado, here are my picks for the best albums of 2018. #10. KIRBY BROWN, Uncommon Prayer There’s a restlessness that permeates Uncommon Prayer, a point that Brown makes quite clearly in the opening track – […]
In Memoriam – Tony Joe White
Back in the late 80’s and early 90’s I lived in Chicago. Â Popular music, whether created in Nashville or Los Angeles, wasn’t capturing my ears or heart. Â Fortunately, I could go down to North Halsted any night of the week and hear blues from some of the greats; Buddy Guy, Junior Wells, Otis Rush, Sugar […]
Americana 2018: Say What?!
One of my favorite things about attending music conferences and festivals are the crazy comments that you hear along the way. Here are a few choice selections from this year’s Americana Festival. Thanks for inviting us. At least I think they invited us. We just showed up. Kevn Kinney of Drivin N Cryin If I […]
Steve Poltz Wins AMERICANAFEST 2018
As a newbie to AMERICANAFEST I have to say that looking at the schedule beforehand I was a bit overwhelmed. Throw in the fact that it had been about 10 years since I’d been to Nashville and that made it even more so. But once I got there and settled into the pace and learned […]
Americana 2018: Chip’s Picks
When trying to outline the highlights of the week of AmericanaFest the easy path would have me simply say you had to be there… then go get a beer. However, I will choose a more descriptive path. The venues are disparate and scattered across the Metro Nashville area, which is what is so cool. So […]
Americana 2018: Shawn’s Picks
Every fall, The Americana Music Association gathers members, artists and music fans together in Nashville for its annual conference. Starting with the annual Americana Music Awards and continuing through several days of showcases and panel discussions, it is a tremendous celebration of Americana music. Here are but a few of my favorite performers and performances […]
Americana 2018: Mayer’s Picks (Part 2)
Every fall, The Americana Music Association gathers members, artists and music fans together in Nashville for its annual conference. Starting with the annual Americana Music Awards and continuing through several days of showcases and panel discussions, it is a tremendous celebration of Americana music. Here are but a few of my favorite performers and performances […]