ST. VINCENT It’s hard to beat a surprise set by St. Vincent, all the more so when it takes place at a Rivian showroom. The set was short but potent, including a few from her most recent album. And thanks, Rivian, for the limited edition vinyl of said release. WILLI CARLISLE Although he’s been on […]
SXSW 2025: The Sounds, Part 2
BABY SAID I saw sisters Veronica and Jess Pal deliver two blistering sets of rock and roll, sweetened by their catchy pop melodies and perfect sibling harmonies. Even those two times was not enough – here’s hoping they return soon for a proper tour. JOELTON MAYFIELD My favorite Americana discovery was Nashville by way of […]
SXSW 2025: The Sounds, Part 1
JOHN FOGERTY “I just got my songs back and I’m gonna play every one of them,” said Fogerty at the start of his show, celebrating the return of his song publishing rights. He wasn’t kidding. He and his band cranked through hit after hit, culminating with a bruising “Fortunate Son”. The icing on the cake? […]
SXSW 2025: The Scene
For me, the true harbinger of spring is the arrival of the SXSW conference and festival in Austin, Texas. Or rather, spring begins for me when I arrive in Austin for the annual event. With upwards of 1,000 artists and tens of thousands of attendees from around the world, SXSW is the world’s premiere music […]
Monday Morning Video – The Dreaming Spires and Antonio Lulic
I’m excited to be headed to Austin, Texas tomorrow for the annual SXSW music conference and festival. I take the assignment seriously, doing a fair amount of research before I arrive. That effort has resulted in some really great discoveries. Here are a pair from SXSW’s past. First up is the UK’s The Dreaming Spires […]
Mayer’s Playlist for Early 2025
Easy Love, Part 1, Larkin Poe (from the Tricki-Woo Records release Bloom) Rebecca and Megan Lovell continue to fortify their position as leading lights for modern blues-based rock. Their latest album is another glorious celebration of rock and roll, one led by Rebecca’s electric guitar and Megan’s steel guitar. Opener “Mockingbird” may start with a […]
Sierra Hull – A Tip Toe High Wire
Most people are familiar with Malcolm Gladwell’s axiom that it takes 10,000 hours to be really good at something. You have to have some talent to start, but in the end you still have to put in the hard work. How then to explain Sierra Hull? She got her Rounder Records deal at 13. If […]
Sean McConnell – SKIN
Statistically speaking, most of the people reading this will live well past 80 years old. So being 40 isn’t quite to the halfway point. Philosophically though, turning 40 causes a lot of people to take stock of where they are in life. You have to admit to yourself that some of the things you did […]
Monday Morning Video – Robbie Fulks
Let’s spend Monday morning talking about Saturday night, courtesy of Robbie Fulks. The Fulks catalog covers a broad spectrum, from songs raw and honest to those that are comical and entertaining. At his best, however, he combines the two into songs that are imminently catchy but have a serious undercurrent. “Let’s Kill Saturday Night” is […]
Ron Pope on BBQ, Natty Light, and The Last Great Watering Hole
Nashville singer-songwriter Ron Pope talks about rough times at his earliest gigs, working security at an overpriced jeans store, and learning from whom – and from whom not – to accept suggestions.