Organizing an album around a theme is, of course, nothing new. It’s easy to cite examples from as far back as the 60’s, and I have no doubt the historically astute can point to even earlier projects. What’s far less common is organizing a band with a theme. That’s just what Portland, Oregon’s, Ashley Flynn […]
Pug Johnson – El Cabron
As a rule I believe you don’t have to grow up with a style of music in order to write it and play it well. I’ve heard great Americana music out of Scandinavia; some authentic country music from people who lived their whole life in Los Angeles; Bela Fleck grew up in that hotbed of […]
Dustin Brown – Dustin Brown
I’ve heard many musicians, from Todd Snider to Warren Haynes to Kris Kristofferson, advise aspiring songwriters to write about what they know. I have no idea if Texan Dustin Brown heard someone tell him that firsthand, but somewhere along the way he picked up the skill. He grew up the kid where both parents had […]
Sierra Hull – A Tip Toe High Wire
Most people are familiar with Malcolm Gladwell’s axiom that it takes 10,000 hours to be really good at something. You have to have some talent to start, but in the end you still have to put in the hard work. How then to explain Sierra Hull? She got her Rounder Records deal at 13. If […]
Sean McConnell – SKIN
Statistically speaking, most of the people reading this will live well past 80 years old. So being 40 isn’t quite to the halfway point. Philosophically though, turning 40 causes a lot of people to take stock of where they are in life. You have to admit to yourself that some of the things you did […]
Cristina Vane – Hear My Call
It’s not that unusual for roots artists (blues, rock, bluegrass, country) to develop their sound and hone their chops in America before finding a strong audience in Europe. What’s much rarer is for a musician to find their musical calling in Europe before coming to the US to build their career. That’s just what Cristina […]
Ron Pope – American Man, American Music
There’s a famous lyric from Hank Williams, Jr., that asks “why must you live out the songs that you wrote.” In the case of Nashville’s Ron Pope, his signature move is the reverse: to write songs about the life he’s lived. You can argue that’s what many songwriters do, but in Pope’s case he has […]
Big Richard – Girl Dinner
A couple of years ago, one of the bands generating the most buzz at Old Settler’s Music Festival was a new group out of Colorado, Big Richard. They caused a stir at an early afternoon set in Telluride the summer before and now people were excited to see if the magic was still there. It […]
Joel Timmons – Psychedelic Surf Country
I’m generally a fan of debut albums. Without the pressure to follow up an earlier record, or put something out to satisfy the label, an artist can cull from their life’s best work. Sometimes that can go awry, though, when a musician has worked their way through a variety of styles on their way to […]
Dave Murphy Song Premiere – If I Could Fly
Not a lot of Twangville artists call New Jersey home. They may hail from there, but they make their way to Nashville or Austin or LA. For Dave Murphy though, the life and events that inspire the best country and folk songs had no problem finding him in the Garden State. Over the last couple […]