Photo credit: Kenneth Bachor
Tell us about your tour vehicle.
i rent cars/vans now.
How do you eat cheaply and/or healthy while on tour?
i dont eat healthy on tour.
How many strings do you break in a typical year? How much does it cost to replace them?
not many but it seems to happen at the worst time.
Where do you rehearse? Any particularly crazy moments there?
i just rehearse in my bedroom. maybe a band fight or 2; smashing a mike stand through a wall.
What was the title and a sample lyric from the first song that you wrote?
“everybody’s talkin’ bout nuclear war, blow each other up, what’s the score? they used to burn witches in the fire but to that i have no desire”.
Describe your first gig.
very high on reefer…..but we had cool songs”fortune teller”-rolling stones.”i’m a believer”-the monkees.
What was your last day job? What was your favorite day job?
working on houses with my friends,….with the jokes/hi-jinks it was like working on a pirate ship.
How has your music-related income changed over the past 5-10 years? What do you expect it to look like 5-10 years from now?
it hasn’t changed that much sometimes a lil higher. i’ll be lucky to be alive in 5-10 yrs.
What one thing do you know now that you had wished you knew when you started your career in music?
not to pick so many destructive role models.