Photo credit: Jeremy Cowart
Tell us about your tour vehicle.
Our new vehicle is a 2012 Mercedes Sprinter with a bunk conversion! I believe it has just under 200k miles. It will be our first time traveling in it on this tour!
How do you eat cheaply and/or healthy while on tour?
We love the Whole Foods hot bar to eat healthy on the road! Chipotle is another favorite, but sometimes Lunchables from a gas station hits the spot.
How many strings do you break in a typical year? How much does it cost to replace them?
Strangly only about 2 or three. Costs about $8 bucks and 10 minutes of fine-motor-skill-patience.
Where do you rehearse?
For the last year we’ve rehearsed in Brian’s (guitar/mandolin) beautiful home. It’s situated at the top of a hill, so we see green trees and sunsets out the window and take breaks on his back porch next to the woods. He often provides snacks from Trader Joe’s and we get to hang with his wonderful fiancé Mandi and his pup Louie, who’s tongue never quite fits into his mouth. One day we didn’t feel like rehearsing and clambered up into the woods to swing from some trees and dig in the dirt. It’s been a perfect spot to get together and play music.
What was the title and a sample lyric from the first song that you wrote?
The first song we wrote was called “Fall of Rome”. Yes, it was as dramatic as it sounds. The only lyric I can remember is “I can hear the sound of the ones I love singing hallelujah.” We were Christians and also wanted to be The Head and The Heart so bad.
Describe your first gig.
First ever gig was Zack, Dani and our original drummer Andy opening for Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night at Centennial Park in Nashville. We played covers and some originals (not “Fall of Rome”… no one ever heard that song) for families sitting on blankets and lawn chairs. My niece and her friends danced along. Our first gig as a foursome (after Brian joined) was in our buddy Curt Ford’s attic. First gig as a five piece (after Jesse, our bass player, joined up) seems like it was at a bar called Foo Bar in East Nashville (now The Cobra).
What was your last day job? What was your favorite day job?
Some recent day jobs are Trader Joe’s, REI, The Farmer’s Dog, and home renovations. Zack’s and Dani did wedding videography in the early years of the band.
How has your music-related income changed over the past 5-10 years? What do you expect it to look like 5-10 years from now?
Strangely enough we’ve gotten most of our income from streaming. Looking forward, hopefully we’ll continue to have some measure of streaming success, sell more records, and dip our toes into the synchronization and radio worlds more than we have.
What one thing do you know now that you had wished you knew when you started your career in music?
That leaning into your instincts is a very real and trustworthy way to navigate the uncountable uncertainties that arise in a creative career!