Fall is nigh upon us. And with it, grey skies and chilling temperatures. Why is that relevant? It’s a atmosphere that permeates Forever Home, the forthcoming album from Shadwick Wilde.
“Floating Away”, the video of which Twangville is premiering today, is one of the album’s standouts. The song finds Wilde dissecting a relationship, unsure of its future as the emotional distance between him and his partner increases. He does so with a mix of exasperation and resignation, singing, ““I’m letting go, now I become water, I hope we end up in the same sea but it’s not up to me” later expanding the thought to be “it’s not up to me alone”.
Says Wilde about the song and video:
My partner Sarah and I came up with the concept of this video while out on a walk in the woods together. She can do just about anything that requires a great deal of fine motor skills. We had both been imagining the paper boat playing a lead role, but the rest was all her. The theme of water comes back a lot on this record. While writing and demoing “Forever Home”, before it had a proper title, I had jokingly titled it “Waterworld” after the behemoth film that almost ruined Kevin Costner. The parallels are difficult to ignore: both he and I nearly bankrupted ourselves to bring our apocalyptic visions into reality.I have been thinking and writing a lot about water these past few years; how Heraclitus said we can never step into the same river twice… both the human and the river being in a constant state of flux. Our bodies have roughly the same salinity as the ocean, the source of all life on Earth. I learned a lot of letting go, in the process of making this record. We all are in this river of time, everchanging. All we can do is row, row our little boat, gently down the stream– making small adjustments to our course, but ultimately heading toward the same destination: the ocean that is eternity, the infinite vastness of the cosmos. When the waves of this life come and knock us down, we have a tendency to forget that, we too are the ocean, and that in fact everything does come in waves.
Twangville is honored to premiere the video for “Floating Away” from Forever Home (due for release on 22 September).