Meant to Be, BER & Charlie Oriain (from the self-released And I’m Still Thinking About That)
A wonderful discovery at this year’s SXSW… and one of my favorite songs so far this year.
But I think you’re the one for someone else
And that shit’s hard to say
It’s okay, you feel the same and I can tell
It’s hard to leave us in the past
But perfect’s just a lot to ask
We’re meant to be, just not made to last
Clean Getaway, Caroline Spence (from the Rounder Records release True North)
Spence shares a mid-tempo anthem about being true to yourself, celebrating the good and acknowledging the rest.
Borrowed Time, Goodnight, Texas (from the self-released How Long Will It Take to Die)
Freewheelin’ fun but with a point to make. “Made it down to earth a couple hours ago; man, I don’t know what they’ve done with the place.”
I Should Be, Fruition (from the self-released Live, Volume 1)
I typically don’t include live albums in my best of lists but I’m going to make an exception for Fruition. Fronted by three incredibly talented songwriters and musicians, their live shows are something to behold. Here’s a taste.
Rules and Regulations, David Ramirez (from the self-released Rules and Regulations)
Ramirez lashes out at promises and expectations, complemented by slashing electric guitars.
Westcoast Rain, Jesper Lindell (from the Rootsy Music release Twilights)
A glorious piece of Americana that will transport you to Woodstock, NY – specifically Big Pink – back in 1967.
Birds, Wood Willow (from the self-released Southern Intentions)
I’ve been gravitating towards this Wood Willow gem of late. The raw power of the song and Becca Herrod Parks voice provide an intensity that stands in contrast to the quiet, acoustic accompaniment.
Time for the Wicked to Rest, Matt Andersen (from the Sonic Records release House to House)
Too many lies, too many years
Too much hate and too much fear
Too much avarice and too much greed
To ever satisfy the need
It’s time for the wicked to rest
It’s time for the wicked to rest
If it’s sooner or later
Then sooner would be best
It’s time for the wicked to rest
Dead Man, Ryan Culwell (from the Missing Piece Records release Run Like a Bull)
This ain’t an uplifting song, for sure, but it is certainly a good one.
The Ballad of Sissy & Porter, The Whitmore Sisters (from the Compass Records release Ghost Stories)
The Whitmore Sisters share a wonderful and upbeat tribute to the late musician Chris Porter.
Someone Else’s Rising Sun, Juni Ata (from the Flying On Fire Records EP Some Songs)
Someone’s sunset is someone else’s rising sun…
I Got This, Sarah Shook & the Disarmers (from the Thirty Tigers release Nightroamer)
Shook delivers a rocking ode to standing up to one’s problems.
Trouble, Sophie & the Broken Things (from the Petaluma Records release Delusions of Grandeur)
Another great break-up song, this time courtesy of Sophie and the Broken Things with special guest Logan Ledger.
Baby, we fit like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle
Like thunder and lightning
Bad luck and some broken things
Some dirt and a shovel… You, me & trouble
Candu, Rural Alberta Advantage (from the Saddle Creek Records release The Rise)
A moving indie folk anthem that reflects on a forgotten Canadian mining town.
Gettin’ By, Steve Earle and The Dukes (from the New West Records release Jerry Jeff)
A fun one from Earle’s tribute to Jerry Jeff Walker.
Just gettin’ by on gettin’ by is my stock-in-trade
Living it day-to-day
Just picking up the pieces wherever they fall
Just lettin’ it roll
Lettin’ the high times carry the low
Just living my life easy come, easy go
Break Right In, Buzzard Buzzard Buzzard (from the Missing Piece / Communion Records release Backhand Deals)
I’m up to here
With all the phony fear
I’m going to break right in
Cocaine Eyes, Eric Ambel (from the Lakeside Lounge Records release You Asked For It! The Shut In Singles Series)
Ambel and his compatriots rival Crazy Horse on this fiery Neil Young cover.