Let’s spend Monday morning talking about Saturday night, courtesy of Robbie Fulks. The Fulks catalog covers a broad spectrum, from songs raw and honest to those that are comical and entertaining. At his best, however, he combines the two into songs that are imminently catchy but have a serious undercurrent. “Let’s Kill Saturday Night” is a great example, an upbeat song with a great sing-along chorus with less than happy lyrics about struggling with the monotony of working-class life. Fulks sings:
Well the little man’s lot
That’s a prince’s life
A prince with a lousy job
A prince with a working wife
Something in the big frame’s moved
And it never was so hard
To keep a twenty inch tube
And a fenced-in yard
It sets up his desire to unleash his frustrations on Saturday night, specifically to “knock it out of its misery, nail that coffin tight,” and then adding, “high living that’s history, let’s kill Saturday night.”