Raucous! Foot-stomping! Joyful! I mean… C’mon! These are some of the first words that come to mind to describe Barnstar!’s new record, “Furious Kindness.” The bluegrass supergroup consists of Mark Erelli, Zachariah Hickman, Jake Armerding, Taylor Armerding, and Charlie Rose. Their last album came out in 2016 and this one has been worth the wait. These are a bunch of very talented gentlemen showing off their vocal and instrumental abilities. Go see them live, they’ll blow you away.
In a world full of so much hatred, Jake Armerding’s song “Anybody Got a Light?” feels like a much-needed breather. With it’s driving rhythm and thoughtful lyrics, it’s a stand-out track on the album.
“I’ll stack up all my hatred in a pile
It just keeps rising mile after mile
And I’ll pour this furious kindness
Like paraffin around
I’ll strike a match and you can watch me
Burn the mother down
And it burns and it burns for all to see
Like a beacon in the night, like a sigh of relief
We can warm our hands in the sacrifice
It’ll get us through the night
How about tomorrow
Has anybody got a light?”
Wow, are there harmonies on this record! “Boulder on my Back” and “Witness” showcase the tight harmonies that melt seamlessly together between these 5 singers. Mark Erelli’s powerhouse vocals continue to shine throughout, particularly on “Believer” and “I Can’t Worship at that Church Anymore.” With “Angeles,” listeners learn that we actually do need Elliott Smith bluegrass songs. Who knew?
The 2 sing-along/ call and answer songs on this album are joyful and catchy: “Anything Bell” (which has been stuck in my head for days) and “When the World Goes Mad All Around You.” The audience will certainly be singing these at the tops of their lungs. If the world is indeed going mad all around us, we might as well have fun.
So let’s “stack up all our hatred in a pile and burn this mother down.” Hopefully this Furious Kindness will spread far and wide.