Chrislyn Lawrence and Mike McClure first met in 2003. Although they had an instant, soulful connection, life happened, and they continued on parallel paths. Mike gained considerable music credibility as the producer for such Red Dirt acts as Turnpike Troubadours, Jason Boland, and Cross Canadian Ragweed. Chrislyn’s path, besides developing her talent as a poet, worked the other side of the music business, doing management, booking, videography and photography–all the behind-the-scenes work that keeps the industry going. A chance meeting 15 years later turned the casual relationship more permanent. Now after a few years performing together, with a band name derived from a couple of Tarot cards related to their individual personalities, they’re releasing their first album soon, entitled As Above Now So Below.

The record is an acoustic exploration of the values they hold dear, and a note that “what you are looking for is already in you.” The title track, for instance, is a reminder that we are all connected, and that “the god inside of you is the god inside of me”. These Are the Days features McClure’s finger picking in a song where her love is “water ripping through a dry valley.” Love Into Zion recreates a little of the sensation of being in the canyons of Utah’s most popular national park and is a hope that we can all let go of what keeps us from love and peace. Still Free to Fly is about them finding the perfect life partner in each other.
While many of the numbers on the album are recollections and learnings the couple has put to music, one song is advice conveyed with a sense of urgency. Perhaps inspired by Lawrence’s time leading workshops for victims of physical and emotional trauma, Take It Away is a plea to not give up in the face of what seems like overwhelming odds. Take just one more breath, do just one more thing, and that’s the first step to healing. It features both Lawrence and McClure leading the vocals, but also harmonizing throughout. It’s beautiful, and poignant, and we’re so proud to be introducing it here: Take It Away, the debut single from Crow and Gazelle.