Songs are about the music, yes, but they are also about the storytelling. Great songs capture characters, both real and imagined, as they navigate life’s trials and tribulations. They paint a picture with an eye for detail, emotion, and meaning. The best ones uncover the core significance of the story to make them broadly relatable. Such is the case with “Over the Radio Waves”, the new single from Paisley Fields.
How’s this for a song description, courtesy of the artist: The song explores the secret defenses you need when society paints you as the outcast, an entertainer on display simultaneously revered and mocked. Written from the perspective of a rodeo clown, it tells a story of how our protagonist is saved when a country song comes on the radio.
“Music saves” is an oft-mentioned refrain among music lovers. Great to see – and hear – that sentiment brought to life by Paisley Fields, along with co-writer Aaron Lee Tasjan, in “Over the Radio Waves”.
Twangville is honored to premiere the song’s video which, in keeping with the rodeo clown storyline, was filmed on location at a rodeo in Jersey. The song will be released to the usual outlets tomorrow.