One of my favorite things about seeing live shows (well, after the music) are the crazy comments that you hear along the way. Here are a few choice selections from summer and fall 2023.
He wanted to start at 8am. We thought that was kind of early so we suggested noon. So we compromised and started at 8am. Rhett Miller of Old 97s on recording with Waylon Jennings
Kermit was my introduction to the banjo, I’m not gonna lie. Allison Russell on her first time hearing Kermit the Frog’s “Rainbow Connection”
I know that my big bad brother Phil sings this song better than I do. And I know that Dwight Yoakam sings it better than I do. I’ve been told that a lot… by Phil and Dwight. Dave Alvin introducing his take on his composition “Long White Cadillac”
All these songs are angry, except for this one. Ali McGuirk introducing her song “X Boyfriends”
That’s the curse of falling in love with a songwriter. You’re gonna get a song. Shane Sweeney about Lydia Loveless’ break-up song “French Restaurant”
I had an ex-boyfriend write me a note and say “fuck you for writing that song about me”. And it wasn’t about him. Aimee Mann
While I haven’t played it for her yet, I think she’d like it. Joe Pug introducing his song “I Don’t Work at a Bank”
Yeah well I don’t work in a bank
And you knew that when we met
So put that dress back on the rack
And live with your regret
You know what they say about a 4 night bender. Night 2 is crucial. This song is about exactly that. Craig Finn of the Hold Steady introducing “The Swish”
We’re gonna lighten things up. Here’s a song called “End Times”. Will Varley
It’s somewhat unnerving to be singing songs that you wrote in your 20s when you’re in your late 50s. I have no idea what I was so worried about. Dave Gibbs of Gigolo Aunts
This is a song that I don’t do often. I hope I don’t find out tonight why I don’t do it often. Michael Mcdermott introducing his song “When the Irish were Kings of New York”
I feel like I just stepped into a dark alley. Pete Donnelly when he forgot the lyrics to the song he was playing
Gonna play a song from an album that was nominated for a Grammy. You know what that means? It lost. Andrew Duhon (the album was The Moorings)
This is a song about taxidermy and Buddhism. It’s popular with the kids these days. That’s why you hear it so often on the radio. Alejandro Escovedo introducing his song “d”Deer Head on the Wall”
The one mother fucking song we’re not doing tonight. Gail Greenwood from Belly in response to a shouted request
This song was written about a woman I knew who had a “Let It Be” tattoo on her arm. People would ask her if she was a Beatles fan but she said she was a Replacements fan. Nick Loss Eaton
This is where a guitar solo might go. Fuck that. Tommy Stinson
Keep the banter light and the songs heavy. Caroline Spence
If my daughter were here, she’d say “Come on mom. More rock, less talk.” Allison Russell
I will sing with you but I’m not playing the fucking tambourine. Brian Dunne sharing what Lizzie No told him when he invited her to join him for a song at one of his shows
If you know it, sing along. If you don’t, just listen. Jeremie Albino
I’m gonna try to play loud enough so I can’t hear you two. Ike Reilly to two incessant talkers in the crowd
It’s slightly out of tune but that’s the real world. Fredrik Saroea of Data Rock while playing an acoustic set
Without you I’m just some guy on a fucking stage talking to himself. Will Varley
An album has a flow but it doesn’t make for a good set list. Ben Kweller celebrating the 20th anniversary of his debut album Sha Sha; he didn’t play it in order
This one is like I’m Carl Wilson converted to Buddhism on top of a mountain. Mike Viola giving a sound person guidance on how to mix his next song
This is our sound check. And if it’s good, it’s our first song. Joey Siara of Near Beer
I’ve been playing here for 10 years. And I’m still playing here. That’s what you call progress. Mickelson playing Rockwood Music Hall
Whoever was paying, we were playing. Matt Stubbs from GA-20 on the band’s early days
If you only buy 1 cd tonight, buy mine. If you buy 2, buy theirs too. Bahamas referring to openers Fortunate Ones
You don’t have to say “aw”, just buy a lot of merchandise after the show. Joe Pug after saying he had 2 guitars stolen out of his car earlier this year
You ever get tired of your own crap? I guess that’s a little personal. One thing I’ve learned, if you’re not tired of your own crap, someone nearby certainly is. Dana Cooper
I didn’t pick up the guitar to do marketing. Matt Woods
An answering machine is a tweet that you could throw if you were angry. Cory Branan
Who’s the guitar player? Me to bartender
I dunno, I just pour the drinks. Bartender’s response