As we head into the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, we’re bombarded with reinforcements of the typical Western Christmas by pretty much any and every media outlet we come across. You know them all: a bountiful, picture-perfect family dinner, fashionably wrapped gifts under an impeccably decorated tree, snowfall adding a glisten and sparkle to the arrival of family and friends. I’m not here to dampen that stereotype, but I will point out it’s not a ubiquitous viewpoint.
Oregonian Melissa Ruth spent last Christmas at home on her and husband/guitarist Johnny Leal’s western Oregon homestead. Their appreciation for clear night skies and sitting in front of the fire with a loved one became the basis for a holiday song more in tune with that kind of celebration. It injects a touch of reverb and whammy bar guitar that I associate with a slower surf rock ballad. I realize Dick Dale isn’t a traditional Christmas icon, but for a laid-back feel how can you top hanging at the beach. The tempo is just a touch lazy, the vocals carry the right amount of wistful and thankful, and together it’s an anti-commercial holiday anthem. Here’s Melissa Ruth and Low-Key Christmas for your alternative season enjoyment.