One of the things that I’ve long appreciated about the Boston music scene is the sense of community that exists there. It is common to see musicians out supporting one another in the clubs, not to mention performing with one another whenever the opportunity allowed. Which makes it all the more painful when a member of the community is lost. Such is the story behind “Magic Trick”, the latest single from Boston’s Speedfossil. The song pays tribute to the late Boston guitarist Pat Wallace. “And I need a magic trick so I can bring you back again,” singer-songwriter Garret Vandermolen proclaims, “show me that magic trick so you can make me laugh again.”
Says Vandermolen about the song:
“Magic Trick” really captures the emotional weight of the process of losing a good friend. The verses encapsulate all of those universal feelings of disbelief, grief, sadness, and isolation, as well as acceptance and realization, while the chorus yearns for a way to bring the person back through some type of magic trick. I didn’t want it to be a dirge (it is in remembrance of my good friend Pat “Trick” Wallace), so we kept it a little uptempo when we recorded it.”
His comments speak to another Boston hallmark – that of being a haven for fine power pop. For quite some time now, Speedfossil have been honing their craft in the genre. As “Magic Trick” clearly demonstrates, they’ve got it down to a science, in this case in the form of a wonderful tribute to their lost friend.
Twangville is honored to premiere “Magic Trick”, the lead single to the band’s forthcoming EP Room With A VU, Vol 1.