One of my favorite things about attending music conferences and festivals are the crazy comments that you hear along the way. Here are a few choice selections from this year’s Americana Festival.
No one told me it was being filmed, wish I wasn’t wearing this shirt right now. William Prince improvising a song to open his set at the Country Music Hall of Fame
This next section has a special kumbaya part. I don’t recommend it. Cory Branan
This is a world premiere. It’s a country song in G, you do it like three nights a week. Jason Hawk Harris giving a cue to his guitarist
I feel like this show needs a little Lynyrd fucking Skynyrd. Lauren Morrow before launching into a cover of “Gimme Three Steps”
If it crashes and burns, it’s too late to fire us at this point. Kevin Gordon introducing a new song
Aw shit. It’s really bad when you have to re-learn a song you just put out. For every song I write, I forget 17. Cory Branan on why he couldn’t play my request of a song from his most recent album
Perfect, I’ve got one that’s 1:38. It’s a condensed version of the entire Ramones catalog. Kamp’s responding to the sound person’s queue that he only had two minutes of set time left
Spence loses her mind in the key of b flat. Caroline Spence when her guitar wouldn’t stay in tune.
This is open G tuning. Lots of people call it the Keith Richards tuning, I call it the Joni Mitchell tuning. William Matheny

Like everything else I write, that song was selfishly to make myself feel better. William Prince
They said be honest and write what you know. This is a song about being good at sex. Anthony D’Amato introducing the band’s song “All My Fault”
This song is about my family in East Texas who I couldn’t wait to get away from. When people ask me if I want to go back to east Texas I don’t say no, I say hell no. Jesse Dayton.
When I was writing my album, a lot of people were saying we should get back to the past. No thanks, I’m good. Denitia
When you learn to love the dark you see twice as many stars. Sav Buist lyric
Sometimes you’re the hammer, sometimes you’re the nail, but lately I just keep getting screwed. Mike Montali of Fantastic Cat lyric
When you start playing gigs, it hits you harder. Will Kimbrough on what Mac McAnally told him after the passing of their mutual friend and collaborator Jimmy Buffett
Are you ready for some homework. Will Kimbrough recalling Buffett’s question to him before they started writing what would become Buffett’s last batch of songs
This is another one that Jimmy Buffett recorded and put a new roof on Tommy’s place and paid off my second kid’s orthodontist bill. Will Kimbrough before playing “Nobody From Nowhere”, co-written with Tommy Womack
I don’t smoke any more. And I don’t smoke any less. William Prince
I grew up in Monroe, Louisiana. It’s an excellent place to leave. Kevin Gordon
We thought we’d get together and see what happens when we make 1/4 the money at every show. Anthony D’Amato of Fantastic Cat
It’s going really well. Fantastic Cat bandmate Don Dilego’s response
Y’all are really brave for letting a slow talker accept an award. SG Goodman accepting her award for Emerging Act of the Year
If you can’t fall in love with demos, then what the hell is the point. New West Records co-founder and owner George Fontaine Sr. Accepting his lifetime achievement award
Bass player wanted. Good attitude, must have car. Ted Russell Kamp recalling “bandmate wanted” posters seeking from when he started his career
Just like MC Hammer before me, I’ll sell it to you from the trunk of my car. William Matheny promoting vinyl copies of his new album
When I was young, I wanted a guitar, boots, and a horse. I got the guitars. I got the boots. I’m still waiting on the horse. Joy Clark
I saw Doug (Williams from Wild Ponies) at a baseball game after they had their first child and, I’m sorry to say this, he looked like shit. Alice Wallace. He agreed.
We put out our one and only album, “The Very Best of Fantastic Cat”, which is technically true. Anthony D’Amato
What stands the test of time is truth. William Prince