There’s something special about a melancholy pop song. Sure, a happy song now and then never hurt anyone. But the real emotions – and the power of music – emerge when things aren’t so great.
Which brings us to “Forget”, the latest single from The Half Guided Hearts. Anchored by singer Raquelle Langlinais and guitarist Guillermo Murillo, the Dallas-based group have quietly been building a catalog of pop goodness. They combine catchy melodies, thoughtful lyrics, and crunchy guitars, occasionally supplemented by horns or strings.
In the case of “Forget”, a forlorn pedal steel guitar weaves itself around chugging electric guitars given the song an enticing tension. That wistfulness carries over to the song’s lyrics, which evoke the bittersweet memories of a broken relationship.
Says Langlinais about the song:
On the most obvious level, “Forget” is a composition of love and loss, echoing its heartbreak in the purposeful throes of the steel guitar. In its quality over quantity nature, the listener will notice the minimal, but steady instrumentation that serves the tender, bittersweet vocal arrangement. In the current transition between Summer and Fall, “Forget” might qualify as the most obvious soundtrack for anyone who might have a proclivity to melancholy.
Twangville is honored to premiere “Forget” by the Half Guided Hearts.