If you have read much of what I have written this ear you know that I have been high on Emily Zuzik’s album “Torch and Troubleâ€. (certain to appear in my year end Top 10.) The producer of that album was Ted Russell Kamp, a linchpin in the West Coast Americana scene. In the sprit of the holiday’s the two have teamed up again both as artists for a fun and playful song, “The Christmas Starâ€. Below is Emily’s description of the song:
“This is a great, brand-new Christmas song I wrote and recorded together with Ted Russell Kamp, the producer of my album, Torch & Trouble. I had the idea to do a Christmas song as I do each year. I also had the idea for the initial chord progression and verse melody. Then, we got together and wrote the rest of the music very quickly and worked up the lyrics over the next few days. This song was itself a Christmas gift to us because it came so fast and flowed so freely and naturally. We got right in the Christmas spirit and got right in the zone with this one. The biggest argument we had through the whole process was deciding if the bridge should go to C# major or C# minor (not that big a conflict). We decided to make a fun, dancy, cheesy holiday song. It’s been a tough year for everyone on the planet. Maybe it’s time to have a little levity at this time of the yearâ€.
Enjoy the video: