Back in the 60’s and 70’s it wasn’t uncommon for a musician to take a job in Nashville writing songs for other people while they polished their performance skills. A couple of guys you might have heard of, Kris Kristofferson and Willie Nelson, started their careers that way. As the industry evolved, the pendulum swung and artists perfected their songs playing in front of live audiences. Brian Callihan is a throwback to the days of making a living just writing country songs.
He’s had a publishing deal for almost 10 years now, but he’s just now releasing his first album. It’s a self-titled project that he started the first of the year. One of my favorite songs on the record is Proud. Callihan wrote it about his own grandfather embodying family pride, a value we don’t see celebrated much these days. We are likewise proud to be premiering that song. Here’s Brian Callihan and Proud.
About the author: I've actually driven from Tehatchapee to Tonopah. And I've seen Dallas from a DC-9 at night.