The folks at State Fair Records have a good thing going. I’ve been in Dallas a few years now and have had some time to explore the local music scene. Chief among my discoveries is that there has been a steady flow of great music State Fair.
The label wraps up its summer with not one, but two great new albums. Now some labels try to space out their releases.  But when you’ve got a pair of powerhouse bands like Ottoman Turks and The 40 Acre Mule, why shouldn’t unleash their debuts in a singular moment of unbridled fury. Even better, why not celebrate with an evening of rock and roll that will undoubtedly rattle the roof.
So whether you like your rock with a heaping dose of badass R&B (40 Acre Mule) or cowpunk ferociousness (Ottoman Turks), their combined release party at the Granada Theater on Friday, August 23rd will be an evening to remember. Details here.
Here’s a taste of what to expect from both bands. First up is Ottoman Turks’ barroom sing-along “Glass Bottles” followed by a stripped down 40 Acre Mule performing “Josephine”. Now imagine both bands cranking up both volume and intensity and you’ll get a sense of what to expect at their live shows.