You picked Love and Blood by Brisbane based singer-songwriter, Shane Nicholson, as your favorite new release for the week of July 28, 2017.
Poll Results
What is your favorite new release for week of July 28?
- SHANE NICHOLSON, Love and Blood (100%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 2

New Releases

Did we miss something? If you feel a new release is missing from our current poll, please let us know in the comments.
Readers’ Tops Summer 2017
- NICOLE ATKINS, Goodnight Rhonda Lee (29 Votes)
- THE CHRIS ROBINSON BROTHERHOOD, Barefoot in the Head (15)
- RANDALL BRAMBLETT, Juke Joint At The Edge Of The World (9)
- HAIM, Something To Tell You (7)
- WAXAHATCHEE, Out in the Storm (5)
- SHANE NICHOLSON, Love and Blood (2)
- STU LARSEN, Resolute (1)
- THE FARM HANDS, Colors (1)
Keep ’em coming. Your votes in our weekly Readers’ Pick poll help create these rankings. Many thanks!