You picked Colter Wall from Saskatoon-based singer-songwriter Colter Wall, as your favorite new release for the week of May 12, 2017.
Poll Results
What is your favorite new release for week of May 12?
- COLTER WALL, Colter Wall (83%, 39 Votes)
- MATTHEW RYAN, Hustle up Starlings (17%, 8 Votes)
Total Voters: 47

New Releases

Did we miss something? If you feel a new release is missing from our current poll, please let us know in the comments.
Readers’ Tops Spring 2017
- COLTER WALL, Colter Wall (39 votes)
- DERRICK ANDERSON, A World of My Own (34)
- JOHN MORELAND, Big Bad Luv (18)
- LILLIE MAE, Forever and Then Some (14)
- RAY DAVIES, Americana (14)
- WILLIE NELSON, God’s Problem Child (12)
- CHRIS STAPLETON, From a Room, Vol. 1 (11)
- ANDREW COMBS, Canyons of My Mind (10)
- JOHN MAYER, The Search For Everything (8)
- PETER ROWAN, My Aloha (8)
- MATTHEW RYAN, Hustle up Starlings (8)
- ROBERT CRAY & HI RHYTHM BAND, Robert Cray & Hi Rhythm (7)
- TAJ MAHAL & KEB’ MO’, TajMo (7)
- RON SEXSMITH, The Last Rider (5)
- RYAN ADAMS, Prisoner (B-Sides) (5)
- FATHER JOHN MISTY, Pure Comedy (4)
- JEB LOY NICHOLS, Country Hustle (4)
- MATTHEW LOGAN VASQUEZ, Does What He Wants (4)
- OLD CROW MEDICINE SHOW, 50 Years of Blonde on Blonde (live) (4)
- THE NEW PORNOGRAPHERS, Whiteout Conditions (3)
- ROBYN HITCHCOCK, Robyn Hitchcock (3)
- SHERYL CROW, Be Myself (3)
- IMELDA MAY, Life Love Flesh Blood (3)
- JOHN MELLENCAMP, Sad Clowns & Hillbillies (3)
Keep ’em coming. Your votes in our weekly Readers’ Pick poll help create these rankings. Many thanks!