You picked “Close Ties” from Nashville-based singer-songwriter, Rodney Crowell, as your favorite new release for the week of March 31, 2017.
Poll Results
What is your favorite new release for week of March 31?
- RODNEY CROWELL, Close Ties (47%, 20 Votes)
- THE MAVERICKS, Brand New Day (14%, 6 Votes)
- AIMEE MANN, Mental Illness (12%, 5 Votes)
- TODD MATHIS, Love in the City (7%, 3 Votes)
- GUY DAVIS & FABRIZIO POGGI, Sonny & Brownie's Last Train (7%, 3 Votes)
- BOB DYLAN, Triplicate (5%, 2 Votes)
- DEVON SPROULE, The Gold String (5%, 2 Votes)
- RICHARD EDWARDS, Lemon Cotton Candy Sunset (5%, 2 Votes)
- COCO HAMES, Coco Hames (0%, 0 Votes)
- THE BUTTERTONES, Gravedigging (0%, 0 Votes)
Total Voters: 43

New Releases

Did we miss something? If you feel a new release is missing from our current poll, please let us know in the comments.
Readers’ Tops Winter 2017
- BRIGITTE DEMEYER AND WILL KIMBROUGH, Mockingbird Soul (65 votes)
- RODNEY CROWELL, Close Ties (20)
- RHIANNON GIDDENS, Freedom Highway (16)
- CHUCK PROPHET, Bobby Fuller Died for Your Sins (15)
- RUTHIE FOSTER, Joy Comes Back (15)
- DELBERT MCCLINTON & SELF-MADE MAN, Prick of the Litter (14)
- NIKKI LANE, Highway Queen (14)
- CONOR OBERST, Salutations (14)
- RYAN ADAMS, Prisoner (13)
- SON VOLT, Notes of Blue (13)
- SHINYRIBS, I Got Your Medicine (13)
- CINDY LEE BERRYHILL, The Adventurist (13)
- VIVIAN COOK, The Long Shot (12)
- OTIS TAYLOR, Fantasizing About Being Black (12)
- COLIN HAY, Fierce Mercy (12)
- TIFT MERRITT, Stitch of the World (11)
- JOHN MAYALL, Talk About That (11)
- SUSTO, & I’m Fine Today (10)
- RON GALLO, Heavy Meta (10)
- MARTY STUART, Way Out West (10)
- BAND OF HEATHENS, Duende (9)
- ELVIN BISHOP, Elvin Bishop’s Big Fun Trio (9)
- SPOON, Hot Thoughts (9)
- BASH AND POP, Anything Could Happen (8)
- THE SADIES, Northern Passage (8)
Keep ’em coming. Your votes in our weekly Readers’ Pick poll help create these rankings. Many thanks!