This has been an exceptional year for music in and around Boston. I hesitate to break these out into a separate regional list as many of these releases would figure prominently on my overall Best of 2016. That said, taken together they make a great statement on the vibrancy of the Boston music scene.

If you like like your rock and roll fierce and unbridled, it doesn’t get much better than The Silks.
Additional Twangville coverage of The Silks: The Silks – Turn Me On, Readers’ Pick: Turn Me On by The Silks and Monday Morning Video – Celebrating the Boston Music Awards

It’s been a great year for artist debuts in Boston and Julie Rhodes sits atop the list. Her gritty and soulful stirrings command attention.
Additional Twangville coverage of Julie Rhodes: Shamrock Shakes and Oxycontin – A Special Boston Playlist, Part 1 and Monday Morning Video – Celebrating the Boston Music Awards

You Won’t Even Know I’m Gone documents the emergence of a powerful new songwriting voice. Fitzgerald’s songs are filled with dark overtones and a literary eye for detail.
Additional Twangville coverage of Ian Fitzgerald: I Will Remember Massachusetts – A Special Boston Playlist and Readers’ Pick: You Won’t Even Know I’m Gone by Ian Fitzgerald

Another welcome new addition to the Boston music scene, this trio released a magical debut filled with a mix of folk and country packaged with some heavenly harmonies.
Additional Twangville coverage of Lula Wiles: Shamrock Shakes and Oxycontin – A Special Boston Playlist, Part 1

Although the Boston quartet is rooted in country (and have been known to play a Hank Williams song or two), they scratch their rock and roll itch with a mighty fine set of new tunes.
Additional Twangville coverage of Girls Guns and Glory: Just Like Ringing a Bell – A Special Boston Playlist, Readers’ Pick: Love and Protest by Girls Guns and Glory and Photos that ROCK! Girls Guns & Glory’s new album!

We at Twangville are unabashed fans of Ms. Borges so her rockin’ ep was cause for major celebration. Opener “Tendency to Riot” is among the finest rock songs that we heard this year.
Additional Twangville coverage of Sarah Borges: Sarah Borges Gets Fired Up with “Good and Dirty”, Readers’ Pick: Good & Dirty by Sarah Borges and Photos that ROCK! Dynamic Duo: Session Americana & Sarah Borges at TCAN.

Brennan counts many of Boston’s finest musicians as fans. When they’re not playing in his band, they’re standing in the audience watching him perform. More than likely they’re studying him as a songwriter and performer as he leads a master class every time he steps on the stage or, all too infrequently, into the studio.
Additional Twangville coverage of Dennis Brennan: Shamrock Shakes and Oxycontin – A Special Boston Playlist, Part 2 and Just Like Ringing a Bell – A Special Boston Playlist

The acoustic multi-instrumentalists plugged in and emerged with a moody and intoxicating collection of songs.
Additional Twangville coverage of Session Americana: Shakin’ with Session Americana, Readers’ Pick: Great Shakes by Session Americana and Photos that ROCK! Dynamic Duo: Session Americana & Sarah Borges at TCAN

Kingsley Flood unleashes an album’s worth of social and political commentary, and a raucously catchy one at that.
Additional Twangville coverage of Kingsley Flood: I Will Remember Massachusetts, Part 2 – A Special Boston Playlist