Australian singer-songwriter Marcus Blacke is currently on his first tour of the United States. He’s checking in with us from the road to share some of his adventures on the American road. Read on for the latest update, plus a featured song from his new self-titled album.

We are heading to Richmond Virginia and we could sure use some of the Southern hospitality that they are renowned for there. Our air B&B is awesome. Alton, the proprietor, cooked us probably the most impressive steak I have ever had – salted and smoked. We are amped to play this show. The Capital Ale House is a cool room. Hit a diner for a biscuit and sandwich with fries, cheap and good. We hung down at the river for a while. Then we checked out a really old bar in town and now we feel peppered to leave the place. I left my cigarettes at our place there. I’m totally over them.

We ventured to Louisville K.Y after Richmond to play at The New Vintage. J.K Mabry was headlining the show. He was awesome. People were digging the vibes. We stayed in an art gallery for a couple of nights. The lady there has the greatest cat known to mankind. I almost stole it.
We then proceeded to Nashville where we stayed with our friends Doug and Alyssa. They were kind enough to put us up, take us out to dinner and a Robert Ellis show, which was super super cool. I still have “Lights from the Chemical Plant” stuck inside my brain, that is an ear worm song, I am converted. The Basement show was a really cool spot. I feel we played the best show yet there. We did some more nature stuff saw some wild deer and a lake place in Nashville as well.

So we drove to Pittsburgh next. Only stayed one evening here but have to say best vibe out of anywhere on the eastern front of America thus far, I love the place. We are getting really tired at this point in the journey. So much driving and lack of sleep are putting the hurt on the both of us. We arrived in Woodstock the next day and hiked overlook mountain saw a rattlesnake, an eagle and some chipmunks, which are my favourite American animal. We make it to Vermont eventually. Glad to be back in upstate Bagel country, bagels here are intense.