Going on tour is daunting enough. Hours on the road getting to the next gig, trying to keep up with life via cell phone and typically trying eat healthy, cheaply or some combination of the two. Oh, and occasionally you get to the fun part – playing the show.
Now imagine traveling halfway around the world to embark on what will be your first extended tour. Well, Australian singer-songwriter Marcus Blacke is about to do so, promoting his latest release, the self-titled Marcus Blacke.
Curious what the experience will be like for him as he heads out on the American and Canadian roadways? In the coming weeks Blacke will be sharing stories, photos and, of course, songs from the road. Come along for the ride.
(Want to see Blacke live and, perhaps, garner a tour diary mention? Check his tour dates.)

June 17th, 2016 (Jersey City, NJ)
After 30 hours of travel, I finally landed in Newark New Jersey.
On my flight, I met a professor of American history. He’s coming to our Boston show. He was a real freedom fighter kind of guy. He travels the world, going to conferences about global migration and its effect on society. What a really cool guy to meet.
Jared Franzen, my bassists and piano player for the tour, missed his flight, so now he’s on standby. I don’t know when he’s going to be able to get here.
I haven’t slept a wink since I left. I’ve got the shakes and I feel sick. I was also detained at LAX because my cat ate my return ticket.
I was so excited to be here until I exited my Uber in Jersey City, just West of Journal Square. The descriptions for my Air B&B didn’t mention the danger looming in the distance. My driver made sure to let me know that “this is not a good area”.
But I’m just too tired to give a shit.

June 18th, 2016 (Jersey City, NJ)
Trying to sleep still its not exactly happened. My head is broken.
The area I’m staying in isn’t so bad in the daytime, so I pensively leave the house. Our place is actually quite cool. It is a little courtyard home. It is nice enough inside. It has a little kitchen, which is nice.
Jared got a flight today, but he has a ten hour stop over in LAX, so his flight is more than 30 hours. Jared vomited at LAX several times and isn’t coping with airport life. His existential crisis over powdered eggs begins. I comforted him via text message as best I could.
In related news, I picked up the rental car so I feel like the world isn’t ending quite as much now.

June 19th, 2016 (Jersey City, NJ)
The whole crew is in tow. We are really amped to be here now and I finally got some sleep. Melatonin tablets are a really great way to beat bad jet lag.
We head into the city and venture over to Grove Street, a super buzzing area in the evenings. It has a really nice vibe. There is an old out of tune piano in our apartment, so we spent much of the day jamming and annoy the neighbors.
Talk of a murder happened down the street from our place at Westside Avenue. Start cycling in. I don’t let it shake me. I had an amazing cigarette today sitting in Grove Street while people watching. It was a Norwegian Shag. As soon as I inhaled gravity became stronger I felt in the moment and everything was beautiful.
First show is tomorrow looking forward to it, super nervous though and under slept.