TINSLEY ELLIS, Red Clay Soul beats out PAUL SIMON, Stranger to Stranger as your favorite for the week of June 3, 2016.
Poll Results
What is your favorite release for week of June 3?
- TINSLEY ELLIS, Red Clay Soul (30%, 13 Votes)
- PAUL SIMON, Stranger to Stranger (26%, 11 Votes)
- ROBERT ELLIS, Robert Ellis (21%, 9 Votes)
- JOSEPH ARTHUR, The Family (9%, 4 Votes)
- MAX JURY, Max Jury (7%, 3 Votes)
- ANDRE WILLIAMS, I Wanna Go Back to Detroit City (7%, 3 Votes)
Total Voters: 43

New Releases

Did we miss something? If you feel a new release is missing from our current poll, please let us know in the comments.
Readers’ Top 25 Spring 2016
- WILLIE NILE, World War Willie (275)
- JARED DECK, Jared Deck (77)
- JIMBO MATHUS, Band of Storms (29)
- PETER WOLF, A Cure For Loneliness (22)
- THE JAYHAWKS, Paging Mr. Proust (21)
- HONEYCUTTERS, On the Ropes (15)
- ROBBIE FULKS, Upland Stories (14)
- PAUL KELLY, Seven Sonnets & A Song (14)
- MARY CHAPIN CARPENTER, The Things That We Are Made Of (14)
- TINSLEY ELLIS, Red Clay Soul (13)
- HAYES CARLL, Lovers and Leavers (12)
- THE BO-KEYS, Heartaches By The Number (12)
- PAUL SIMON, Stranger to Stranger (11)
- ROBERT ELLIS, Robert Ellis (9)
- MARK ERELLI, For A Song (8)
- TONY JOE WHITE, Rain Crow (8)
- THOSE PRETTY WRONGS, Those Pretty Wrongs (7)
- AUSTIN LUCAS, Between the Moon and the Midwest (7)
- STEVE DAWSON, Solid States & Loose Ends (6)
- FOY VANCE, The Wild Swan (6)
- CAR SEAT HEADREST, Teens of Denial (6)
- DANIEL ROMANO, Mosey (6)
- TEDDY THOMPSON & KELLY JONES, Little Windows (5)
Keep ’em coming. Your votes in our weekly Readers’ Pick poll help create these rankings. Many thanks!