WILLIE NILE, World War Willie beats out ROBBIE FULKS, Upland Stories as your favorite for the week of April 1, 2016.
Poll Results
What is your favorite release for weeks of April 1?
- WILLIE NILE, World War Willie (90%, 275 Votes)
- ROBBIE FULKS, Upland Stories (5%, 14 Votes)
- STEVE DAWSON, Solid States & Loose Ends (2%, 6 Votes)
- TEDDY THOMPSON & KELLY JONES, Little Windows (2%, 5 Votes)
- TRAPPER SCHOEPP, Rangers & Valentines (1%, 3 Votes)
- STEVIE NIMMO, Sky Won’t Fall (1%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 305

New Releases

Did we miss something? If you feel a new release is missing from our current poll, please let us know in the comments.
Readers’ Tops Spring 2016
- WILLIE NILE, World War Willie (275)
- ROBBIE FULKS, Upland Stories (14)
- STEVE DAWSON, Solid States & Loose Ends (6)
- TEDDY THOMPSON & KELLY JONES, Little Windows (5)
- TRAPPER SCHOEPP, Rangers & Valentines (3)
- STEVIE NIMMO, Sky Won’t Fall (2)
Keep ’em coming. Your votes in our weekly Readers’ Pick poll help create these rankings. Many thanks!