Another in my string of bluegrass reviews, Nu-Blu’s new record “All The Way” manages to take the cheesy and make it memorable. Take leadoff track “That’s What Makes the Bluegrass Blue.” I couldn’t think of a less appealing title. Yet the first spin clothed in expert bluegrass picking and airtight harmonies, makes the song surprisingly enjoyable. Carolyn Routh certainly knows how to pull together a melody and Rhonda Vincent pitches in on harmony vocals as well.
Instrumental “Black Jack” is a banjo workout to say the least and it certainly earns Levi Austin some cred for his quick picking. From there the metronome is turned down quite a bit in favor of a decidedly more acoustic sound on “Forgiveless.” “Jesus and Jones,” and “Heavy Cross to Bear.” These tunes focus a much more open arrangement that features the vocals.
“Rhythm of the Train” is a decidedly moving bluegrass train song. The rhythms of dobro and the subject of the train go together so well with the innocence of the narrator’s childhood story. “It’s Not That Cold in Montana” features vocalist Levi Austin as well. Austin laid back tenor brings the to life.
These guys really know how to pick, particularly on the upbeat numbers.