This has been a great year for music in and around Boston. I hesitate to break these out into a separate regional list as they would all feature prominently on my overall Best of 2013. That said, taken together they make a great statement on the vibrancy of the Boston music scene.

Additional Twangville coverage of Kingsley Flood: Mayer’s Playlist for January 2013, Monday Morning Video: Kingsley Flood and Monday Morning Video: Boston Music Awards Winners.

Additional Twangville coverage of Todd Thibaud: With the Radio On: A Special Boston Playlist.

Additional Twangville coverage of Jesse Dee: Mayer’s Playlist for February 2013, Part 2.

Additional Twangville coverage of The Silks: Listen Up: Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers, Toy Soldiers and the Silks

Additional Twangville coverage of Barrence Whitfield and the Savages: Mayer’s Playlist for July and August 2013, Part 2
Click here for more Twangville Best of 2013 coverage.