Ever wanted to know what life is like as a musician? Curious about how they got their start and where they find inspiration? Interviewer Teddy Goldstein gets the in-depth story from singer-songwriters on his What Happened podcast.
Teddy’s guest for this edition is New York City-based singer-songwriter Richard Julian. A classically trained pianist, Julian writes songs that are as engaging as they are intelligent. He also has a side-project of some renown, the free-wheeling Little Willies.
Richard sat down with Teddy to talk about his musical journey from Delaware to Las Vegas, back to Delaware, and then to New York City. He shares great stories about his travels and his music. Teddy and Richard compare notes about their ability/non-ability to fix stuff and their love of old Volvos. Plus, Richard plays two songs live!
Audio Download: The What Happened Podcast with Richard Julian [audio:http://teddygoldstein.com/newpodcast/richard_julian_final.mp3]

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