OK, look. It’s not that I’m unaccustomed to gushing over a record I really love here on Twangville, it’s just that I try and at least tell you why it is that I feel a record is so gush-worthy, when called for.
In the case of Israel Nash Gripka’s latest, Barn Doors & Concrete Floors, I really can’t do that. Simply put: It’s as close to a perfect folk-y country-rock record as your likely to hear all freaking year long. Sweeping and lush, there really isn’t one track on here worth skipping. Not even close.
It’s a wonderfully cohesive collection that can have you either sinking into the sonic of it all, or focusing on Gripka’s honest, yet poetic writing.
Again, sorry. I know this is a cop-out, and I’ll take the heat for it, but I dont know what else I can say other than check out the video below and go get the album.