I listened to a lot of music last year. Inevitably, a few fell through the cracks. Here’s a few of those “better late than nevers”. Enjoy.
- DAVE MATTHEWS BAND, Big Whiskey And The GrooGrux King [★★★★/4.230]
I didn’t expect to like this album as much as I did. For me, DMB had mostly run their course. Everything begins to sound the same after a while. They were still putting out good music but the albums began to blend over time. Then Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King quietly made an appearance. The pounding notes of “Shake Me Like a Monkey”, the humorous “Alligator Pie (Cockadile), and the unforgettable “You and Me” help make this album among the best the epic Dave Matthews Band has produced. Best of all the album plays tribute to gone but not forgotten saxophonist LeRoi Moore who perished in a tragic ATV accident in mostly subtle ways. If you’ve ever been a DMB fan, you’ll want to pick this one up. - THE SWELL SEASON, Strict Joy [★★★★/4.167]
- DRIVIN’ ‘N CRYIN’, Great American Bubble Factory [★★★★/4.167]
- ROMAN CANDLE, Oh Tall Tree In The Ear [★★★★/3.909]
- TED GARBER, American Rail [★★★★/3.900]
- SLAID CLEAVES, Everything You Love Will Be Taken Away [★★★★/3.818]
- THE DUSTIN BENTALL OUTFIT, Six Shooter [★★★★/3.818]
- ANIMAL KINGDOM, Signs & Wonders [★★★★/3.750]
- MATT EPP, Safe or Free [★★★★/3.667]
- ELK, Tamarack Mansion [★★★/3.400]