We’re celebrating Memorial Day in the United States today, a chance for us to pay tribute to the men and women, present and past, of the US military. Their sacrifice in service to country is inspiring and worthy of thanks.
Yet the day is also a reminder that war and violence persists around the world. Here’s hoping that some day we make it a memory.
“Often songs are difficult to write but, once written, easy to release,” explains Pug. “That was certainly not the case with ‘Bury Me Far (From My Uniform).’ The song nearly wrote itself and yet I released it with great reluctance. There is a certain reverence that any decent person affords soldiers and their sacrifices. I was, and remain still, troubled that this song might violate that decency. Having never served myself I’m not always sure whether it is inspiring or insulting. I’ve certainly gotten my fair share of both reactions. In the end, the song stands on its own, and the distinction is yours to make.”
Audio Download: Joe Pug, “Bury Me Far (From My Uniform)” [audio:http://www.joepugmusic.com/media/audio/joe_pug_bury_me_far_from_my_uniform.mp3]