The Kissaway Interview – NYC from Ryan & Rob on Vimeo.
Hailing from Denmark, the guys of The Kissaway Trail , have put together an insanely rocking record that is catchy without sacrificing substance. Recently released here in the U.S., Sleep Mountain, contains gems that burst with an energy that will likely bring to mind the more urgent works of Arcade Fire, Matthew Good and The Airborne Toxic Event.
Thanks to the band and their management, Twangville has five, count ’em FIVE, copies of Sleep Mountain on CD to give away to fellow denizens of our fair burg. In fact, each winner will also get a poster from the band, as well as the album.
Hell, I’ll make it easy on you guys, even. The FIRST FIVE commenters to this post will win! Be sure to leave a valid email address, so I can get your mailing info (I won’t use any of your information for any other purpose, I swear).