The Deep Vibration, out of Nashville, know how to leave a guy wanting more. Their EP, Veracruz (Dualtone), seems to tease the listener with only a total of 5 songs. All 5 songs are made up of high-quality, bluesy rock and it just doesnt seem like enough. Matt Campbell’s vocal performance is strong and the tone and delivery he employs bring to mind a certain Ryan Adams. Scratch that. The guy really sounds a lot like Adams. Don’t get me wrong, there isn’t any mimicking being conducted here. In fact, Campbell’s vocal avoids the sometimes whiny, self-loathing quiver that Adams can sometimes be guilty of peddling. The similarities do carry-over into the actual songs, and again, that’s fine as their is enough meat on these bones to differentiate between the two. The raw-boned rockers, “Oklahoma City Woman Blues (Veracruz)” and “Mississippi Woman” (I detect a trend here) would actually be a couple of the better cuts from recent Adams releases like Cardinology or Easy Tiger.
For some great audio and video from The Deep Vibration CLICK HERE!!!
About the author: I likes me some wine, women and waffles, not always in that order (but usually). Chaucer is cool, but fart jokes are even better. You feel like spikin' your country with a little soul or mix in a little rock without the roll? Lemme hear from ya!!