Phil Pritchett, hailing from Ft. Worth, Texas is an artist who is just plain…fun. That label may lack the dynamism one would expect from a performer who is as dynamic as Pritchett is, but watch one of his videos or catch one of his video blogs, even. Once you do that, you’ll more fully appreciate the spirit of fun that The Bullfighter Returns record is packed with.
The Bullfighter Returns is one of many recent releases from this fiercely independent artist. “All I Want To Do” is a raucous showcase for Pritchett’s nasally, almost Dylan-esque vocals. The fun continues with the title track, which is the best tune that Roger Clyne never wrote. The Spanish horns give the song it’s personality, but again, it’s Pritchett’s vocal that gives the song its attitude. With “Living Isn’t An Easy Thing To Do”, we see that Southern Rock can possess a strong melodic sense while still rocking out accordingly. Given that many of the songs on this record have been crowd favorites and staples of his live shows, Pritchett is simply giving the people what they want.
About the author: I likes me some wine, women and waffles, not always in that order (but usually). Chaucer is cool, but fart jokes are even better. You feel like spikin' your country with a little soul or mix in a little rock without the roll? Lemme hear from ya!!