Roman Candle is one of those bands that confuse me. I guess it is rock, but it could be pop. Sometimes it is roots, except when it is not. Despite the confusion, there’s no denying that Oh Tall Tree in the Ear is a gem.
Though the band has only released three proper albums since its founding in 1997, they remain remarkably consistent. There’s an enchanting quality to their music, a wholesome charisma that is extremely engaging. Singer Skip Matheny has a weathered voice that gives the songs a tremendous authenticity. The music is highly textured, built largely around electric and acoustic guitar but with extra depth provided by Timsel Matheny’s organ and keyboards.
Mid-tempo songs like “One More Road†and “A Heartbeat†crackle with feel-good attitude and irresistible melodies. “Big Night†begins as a lilting ballad but becomes more forceful as the song progresses. A less mature artist might let the song explode in a sonic fury, but Roman Candle demonstrate a restraint that adds to the song’s intensity.
Lyrically the album is both charming and intelligent. “Hand on the knee, kiss on the mouth, I thought that I figured it out, I was a fool,†sings Matheny on the tender “I Was a Fool.†Personal favorite, “Why Modern Radio is A-Ok†tells the tale of a guy who associates classic rock with a painful break-up:
Don’t play Neil Young
Don’t play Van Morrison
Just let some high school emo band start versing and chorusing
Because there’s no way it will break my heart as far as I can see
and that’s why modern radio is A OK with me.
Audio Download: Roman Candle, “Early Aubade” [audio:]